This is an evaluation, not a test.  You cannot get a bad grade on this evaluation. 

Esta es una evaluación, no una prueba. No puede obtener una mala calificación en esta evaluación.

Please do not guess at the answers.  Only answer the ones you know and the rest please leave blank.   

Por favor, no adivine las respuestas. Responda solo las que conoce y el resto por favor déjelo en blanco.

Please fill out:

1. ____ aren't my books. They're Linda's.

2. "Is Mary here?" "No, ____.

3. The girls ____ in the yard right now.

4. "____ John live in Chicago"? "No, he lives in New York."

5. Write on the blackboard ____ write on the wall!

6. Michelle isn't a good swimmer. She ____ swim very well.

7. There aren't ____ people at the beach today.

8. Your clothes are ready. Pick ____ up this afternoon.

9. Let's go to the store. We need ____ some food.

10. Where ____ last night? I was at home.

11. Where ____ you go for dinner last night?

12. What are you ____ to do after class today?

13. "Is that your umbrellas?" "No, it's not ____. ."

14. "Excuse me, I'm looking for a restaurant." "No problem. There's ____ across the street."

15. "Good morning, sir. What would you like for breakfast?" "____ toast and coffee, please."

16. I was born in Brazil, but I ____ up in the U.S.

17. I think that mathematics is ____ than biology.

18. "Have you ever visited Asia?" "Yes, I ____ there last year."

19. When you see Angela, could you please ____ call me?

20. I ____ when the burglars entered the house.

21. I ____ at that restaurant a lot before I moved to my new neighborhood.

22. Is New York as ____ as Tokyo?

23. I have to send a letter. Could you tell me ____?

24. This suit is very dirty. It needs to ____..

25. "I can't play tennis." " ____ can I."

26. Michael and Steven ____ on the same basketball team since they entered the university.

27. Jack still hasn't written his term paper, but he told his parents that he ____ it, and they believed him.

28. Something terrible happened while we ____ dinner.

29. I have very ____ time for physical exercise.

30. By the time I finish my university studies, I ____ taken more than forty different courses.

31. If Robert ____ his job, he would have been able to take a vacation this year.

32. ____ is very important nowadays.

33. The Nile River, ____ is located in Egypt, is the longest river in the world.

34. Jennifer slept for ten hours last night. She ____ very tired.

Article One: What are you doing today?

Christine Johnson (student): "What am I doing today? I'm shopping for summer clothes. I'm buying a bathing suit. I'm also looking for sandals. I'm getting ready for a vacation at the beach."

1. Today Christine is looking for ...

Article Two: What does he like to do?

Carl Simmons is a high school student. He likes music and baseball. He listens to music every night, all year long, but he can only play baseball in the summer. He plays three times a week in June, July, and August. That's why summer is his favorite time of the year.

2. Carl likes summer because he ...

3. Randall starts work at...

4. One meal that Randall doesn't cook at the restaurant is ...

5. Randall doesn't like to get phone calls...

Article Four: How does he like his job?

Robert Lyndon has a new job. He is a technician at a computer store. He usually answers the telephone and helps customers who have problems with their new computers. Sometimes he can help them by phone, but sometimes people have serious problems. These people bring their computers back to the store and Robert repairs them. Robert also teaches classes on computers. Every Thursday afternoon he invites customers to come to the store. He teaches them how to use their new computers and answers their questions. Robert enjoys his new job because he likes to help people.

6. Customers who have serious problems with their computers...

7. Robert teaches people how to ... computers.

8. Robert likes his job because...

Article Five: Touchy topics:

In North America when people meet each other for the first time, they talk about things like family, work, school, or sports. They ask questions like, "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" "Where do you work?" "What school do you go to?" and "Do you like sports?" They also ask questions like "Where do you come from?" and "Where do you live?" These are polite questions. They are not personal or private. But some things are personal or private, and questions about them are not polite. People don't ask questions about a person's salary. They don't ask how much someone paid for something. It is OK to ask children how old they are, but it is not polite to ask older people their age. It is also not polite to ask people questions about politics or religion unless yuo know them well. People don't ask unmarried people "Why are you single?" and they don't ask a married couple with no children "Why don't you have any children?"

9. The author of this article wants readers to ...

10. According to this article, when meeting North Americans it is OK to ask them about their..

11. When meeting North Americans for the first time. DON'T ask...

12. In North America, it's OK to discuss politics with ...

13. Information people don't discuss with others is considered...

Article Six: Marking territory

In everyday language, we talk of "my place," "our home," and "their neighborhood." We think of our home as our own private territory. People need a place of their own, where they can get away from others and feel a sense of being in charge. Even within families, we attach ourselves to personal territories; for example, the kitchen tends to "belong" to the one who prepares the meals. We like to have our own workrooms and our own bedrooms, or at least our own side of the bed! People personalize their territories to emphasize where one ends and another begins. Personalizing our territories shows how attached we feel to them. A study of American university dormitories showed how personalization of students' spaces was related to their sense of belonging to the university as a whole. The investigators counted the number of personal items in the students' rooms, such as posters, stereos, and rugs, and found that the students who dropped out had the least number of personal items on display. The same thing is true of neighborhoods. Look around you in your own neighborhoood. Look at the houses or apartmetns that show personalization: new fences and boundary markers, door colors that stand out from the rest, or freshly painted window frames. Noting how territories are marked should allow you to predict who is most likely to stay and become involved in the community.

14. The purpose of this article is to describe why people...

15. According to this article, people need to have

16. Students who display only a few personal items in their rooms are more likely to quit school than students who display many. This information is...

17. According to this article, if people make their homes look different from the others around them, they are likely to...

18. Territory is closest in meaning to...

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